中元節《大白蓮花童子息災祈福超渡大法會 》暨《地藏救度密法超度法會》True Buddha Repentance Blessing and Bardo Ceremony


大白蓮花童子息災祈福超渡大法會 暨




1/9 星期六 大白蓮花童子息災祈福超渡大法會 1:30pm
2/9 星期日 地藏救度密法超度法會1:30pm
3/9 星期一 蓮旺上師教授太極 7:30pm (請電本寺登記)
4/9 星期二 蓮旺上師教授太極 7:30pm (請電本寺登記)









大功德主  $:1000.00 :送法船一部、大令牌、兩袋《資糧袋》、獻哈達、



中功德主  $:500.00 :送兩袋《資糧袋》、令牌、菩提唸珠

小功德主  $:100.00  :送一袋《資糧袋》、令牌


陽居懺主: 獲大加持、化解災厄、轉逆為順、增福添壽。


  • 請大家提前一個小時到達本寺,以便填寫《報名表》、往生《資糧袋》及請購供品,報名費用隨意。 

法會地點:嚴山雷藏寺,645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044 

時間:下午1:00pm 法會开始;從即日起,開始接収報名表格。請各位提早報名!

電話:02-8065 6046

傳真:02-9558 7035


Email: admin@tbssydney.org


Yen Shan Tang True Buddha Order 

Invited Master Lian Qi from Brisbane to lead

True Buddha Repentance Blessing and Bardo Ceremony

Date : 1 July 2012

Time : 1pm 

Yen Shan Tang True Buddha Order

Invited Master Lian Wang from Seattle to lead the following activities

1/9 Sat Padmakumara Blessing and Bardo Ceremony 1:30pm
2/9 Sun Ksitigarbha Bardo Ceremony 1:30pm
3/9 Mon Taichi Class 7:30pm (Please ring temple to register)
4/9 Tue Taichi Class 7:30pm (Please ring temple to register)







Apart from normal registering (voluntary offering), you can also register as :

  1. Big merit holder ($1000) – you will have
    1. a “Dharma Ship” with “Bardo Card”
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. an opportunity to offer hada to the hosting Master
    4. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  2. Merit holder ($500) – you will have
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  3. Small merit holder ($100) – you will have
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 1 bag of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money 

Please allow yourself some time before the ceremonies for registration purpose 

Other ceremonies  (subject to change and addition) :

5 Aug (Sun)                                                                              11:00 am Celebrate attaining enlightenment for Guanyin Bodhisattva.   We will do Great Compassion Repentance Practice

26 Aug(Sun)


Celebrate birthday of Padmasambhava  

9 Sep (Sun)


Celebrate birthday of Ksitigarbha (King of Earth)      We will do Ksitigarbha Repentance Practice

15 Sep(Sat)


Celebrate birthday of Ksitigarbha (King of Earth)       

16 Sep(Sun)


Celebrate birthday of Yellow Jambhala  

You can find Grand Master Lu’s English books from Sun Fung Co.or Leung Wai Kee in Chinatown

address:764-766 George St, Sydney

Our Address : 645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

Email : admin@tbssydney.org          Website : www.tbssydney.org