2014年4月嚴山雷藏寺啟建 “梁皇寶懺暨瑜伽焰口超渡大法會” Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony(梁皇寳懺)




 “梁皇寶懺“ 為佛教中懺悔滅罪之懺王,是所有懺儀之中最大的一部,它結合了所有大乘經典的佛號,以及大乘經典的佛法,法義彙編而成,是經懺中生亡兩利之寶典,佛門中多逢特殊之因緣才啟建 “梁皇寶懺”。


又據懺文所載,如有人發心布施錢財 助佛寺, 設立拜懺壇城,令眾人得以禮懺消業,則其功德更不可思議!適逢清明奠祖之時,陽世親人更可盡孝積福,超撥祖先,冥陽兩利。


總懺主;大懺主 ;中懺主;小懺主 。
陽居懺主: 獲大加持、化解災厄、轉逆為順、增福添壽。
陰間懺主:業障消除、環境改善、果位提昇、往生淨土。 其他參加拜懺者一切費用隨意。歡迎蒞臨護持共沾法益。

梁皇寳懺瑜伽焰口超度法會活動時間表 :

18/4 星期五 1:00pm : 開懺 备注  
19/4 星期六 11:00am: 卷二  2:00pm : 卷三    
20/4 星期日 1:00pm :卷四
21/4 星期一 11:00am:五 ;2:00pm :卷六
22/4 星期二 7:00pm :卷七
23/4 星期三 7:00pm :卷八  
24/4 星期四 7:00pm :卷九
25/4 星期五 1:00pm : 卷十            
26/4 星期六 1:00pm瑜伽焰口大法會

















陽居懺主: 獲大加持、化解災厄、轉逆為順、增福添壽。


總懺主:$10,000.00 :

大懺主  $:1000.00 :送法船、令牌、兩袋《資糧袋》、菩提唸珠、獻哈達

中懺主  $:500.00 :送兩袋《資糧袋》、令牌、菩提唸珠

小懺主  $:100.00  :送一袋《資糧袋》、令牌



拜每一卷所需供品如下:                  (本寺有提供請購)
 開懺 供香 第二卷 供花 第三卷 供燈
第四卷 供水 第五卷 供果 第六卷 供茶
第七卷 供齋菜 第八卷 供寶物 第九卷 供經書
結懺 供龍袍 瑜伽焰口超渡法會 供   蓮花 金紙 蠟蠋









 * 請大家提前一個小時到達本寺,以便填寫《報名表》、往生《資糧袋》及請購供品,報名費用隨意。




問事日期: 10/4 17/4


(每小時只接受4 人問事)。







  1. 方案一:馬頭明王金剛杵:本寺收取570澳元,並會代為處理
  2. 方案二:象鼻紅財神:本寺收取428澳元,並會代為處理
  3. 方案三:瑤池金母金如意:本寺收取306澳元,並會代為處理
  4. 每年訂閱費用:每人A$120共24期。



本寺地址:645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

电话: 80656046

電郵 email:admin@tbssydney.org


Background story:

Emperor Wu of Liang (梁武帝) (464–549), was the founding emperor of the Liang Dynasty of Chinese history. His reign, until the end, was one of the most stable and prosperous during the Southern Dynasties. Emperor Wu created universities and extending the Confucian civil service exams, demanding that sons of nobles study. He was well read himself and wrote poetry and patronized the arts. Although for governmental affairs he was Confucian in values, he embraced Buddhism as well. He himself was attracted to many Indian traditions. He banned the sacrifice of animals and was against execution. It was said that he received the Buddhist precepts during his reign, earning him the nickname The Bodhisattva Emperor.

According to legend, the empress was reborn in the woeful state of a huge snake because of her negative karma. She appeared to Emperor Wu in his dreams and begged to be saved from this woeful state. Emperor Wu asked the Venerable Bao Zhi, a Buddhist monk, for advice to help relieve the suffering of his wife. Venerable Bao Zhi then gathered many high ranking monastic members to help the Emperor. Together, they created a 10-chapter repentance sutra for the Emperor.


After performing the Repentance Ceremony by reciting 10 chapters of the sutra, the empress again appeared to Emperor Wu in his dreams to thank and inform him that she was then reborn in the heavens. Today the recitation of the chapters of this sutra is performed annually in many Buddhist temples. It has become a major Buddhist repentance service named after Emperor Wu.


What do we do during the ceremony?

It involves prostrations or paying the great homage to thousands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (more than 2000 times). The chants in many places of this repentance book quoted relevant Buddhist sutras on this subject. Today the practice and reciting of the Emperor Liang Repentance Sutra is carried out as a Filial Piety Dharma Assembly in relation to the Filial Piety practice to share merits with the departed and remembrance of our departed parents, past relatives, ancestors and friends.


Why we do it?

The Emperor Liang’s Repentance Sutra is considered as the supreme Repentance among all Buddhist repentance texts. It benefits both the living and the deceased. The sutra allows everyone to repent all wrongdoings comes from your body, speech and mind. If you show your sincerity and utmost faith, all negative karma will be eradicated. Besides, it will improve your career, health and interpersonal relationships.


During April, it is the period when people with Chinese heritage to pay respect to the deceased ancestors. Also to register them in the ceremony in order to remove negative karma from them, improve their spiritual levels and show them the way to the Western Paradise.

It is beneficial to register your “karmic enemy and creditor” or “attached spirit” in the ceremony so that all the hatred against you will be minimized or removed.


Date Day Event Description Offered Item* Time
10/4 –


Thurs – Thurs Spiritual Consultation sessions

 (Please contact temple for appointment)

  10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm


18/4 Friday Scroll #1 Incense 1:00 PM
19/4 Saturday Scroll #2

Scroll #3





20/4 Sunday Scroll #4 Water 1:00PM













21/4 Monday Scroll #5

Scroll #6





22/4 Tuesday Scroll #7 Vegetarian food 7:00PM
23/4 Wednesday Scroll #8 Jewel 7:00PM
24/4 Thursday Scroll #9 Sutra /Scripture 7:00PM
25/4 Friday Scroll #10 Dragon robe/vest 1:00PM
26/4 Saturday Ksitigarbha Bardo Blessing Ceremony 1:00PM














* items offering can be purchased from the temple


Apart from normal registering (voluntary offering), you can also register as:

  1. Big merit holder ($1000) – you will have the following complimentary items:
    1. a “Dharma Ship” with “Bardo Card”
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. an opportunity to offer hata to the hosting Master
    4. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  2. Merit holder ($500) – you will have the following complimentary items:
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  3. Small merit holder ($100) – you will have the following complimentary items:
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 1 bag of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money


Please allow yourself some time before the ceremonies for registration purpose


Other ceremonies  (subject to change and addition):

13/4 Sun 11am Celebrate the birthday of Maha Cundi Bodhisattva Great Compassion Repentance Practice
4/5 Sun 11am Celebrate the birthday of the Sakyamuni Buddha Buddha Day Ritual
15/6 Sun 11am Celebrate the birthday of Grand Master Lu True Buddha Repentance Practice*

* all True Buddha Students are encouraged to take part in the chanting ‘Guru Heart Mantra’ activities online organised by TBF from now and dedicated to GM LU to stay in the saha world.      

You can find Grand Master Lu’s English books from Leung Wai Kee in Chinatown at 764-766 George St, Sydney



Our Address: 645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

Telephone: (02)8065 6046

Fax: (02)9558 7035

Email: admin@tbssydney.org

Website: www.tbssydney.org