
6/3星期二禮拜真佛寶懺 True Buddha Repentance Practice


6/3 Tue 7:30pm we do True Buddha Repentance Practice.
We will have normal practice session on 10/3 night

In case you are not aware :
We are doing True Buddha Repentance Practice on every 18th day of each lunar month. Everyone is welcome
Time : 7:30pm

真佛宗嚴山雷藏寺本週起一連四週”持尊勝咒活動” YSTTBO has new notice : Chanting USNISA VIJAYA Mantra

時間:13/11, 20/11, 27/11, 4/12   2pm 至 4pm

佛頂尊勝陀羅尼經云:佛告帝釋言,此咒名淨除一切惡道佛頂尊勝陀羅尼,能除一切罪業等障,能破一切穢惡道苦。此陀羅尼,八十八恆河 沙俱胝百千諸佛共同宣說,隨喜受持,大如來智印印之。若人須臾得聞此陀羅尼,千劫以來,積造惡業重障,應受種種流轉生死、地獄、餓鬼、畜生……乃至蟻子之 身,更不重受,即得轉生,諸佛如來,至補處菩薩,同會處生。 



We will chant USNISA VIJAYA Mantra from 2pm to 4pm (This is a powerful mantra to remove black karma. All merits will be dedicated to all beings to be registered in August’s ceremony)
Starting Time : Sun 13/11, 20/11, 27/11, 4/12   2pm to 4pm at the temple

12月10日、11日黃財神息災、祈福大法會 暨 阿彌陀佛息災、祈福、超度大法會December Ceremonies hosted by Master Lian Lai

Yen Shan Tang True buddha Order

on 10 Dec and 11 Dec

Yellow Jambhala Blessing Ceremony and

Amitabha Buddha Blessing and Bardo Ceremony

with Blessing Empowerments

Yellow Jambhala :

Yellow Jambhala is an emanation of Lord Vaisravana, who is in turn one of the “Four Great World-protecting Heavenly Kings”. He is the guardian of light in Buddhism, a great charitable deity who grants fortune and protection. Lord Vaisravana lives in the northern region under the Four Heavens, at the northern crystal palace on the fourth level of Mount Sumeru. His servants are either yaksas or bhaisajya-yaksas. According to the Commentary on Lotus Sutra, this heavenly king is extremely knowledgeable as his perpetual protection of the Buddhas has enabled him to receive many teachings

Yellow Jambhala is one of the Eight Principal Deities of our True Buddha School. His Holiness Living Buddha Lian-sheng feels that although there are many rich True Buddha disciples, there are also many that are poor. This latter group of disciples wishes to learn a practice that can extricate them from poverty. This is why Yellow Jambhala is being upheld as one of True Buddha School’s Eight Principal Deities. It is hoped that with the great blessings of Yellow Jambhala, True Buddha School’s teachings will be propagated worldwide to salvage all sentient beings. This shall also fulfill our mission to popularize Buddhism.

Amitabha Buddha :

Among all Buddhas, Amitabha Buddha made the greatest vows of compassion and the vows I made exactly match the vows of [Amitabha] Buddha in delivering sentient beings.

Amitābha is a celestial buddha described in the scriptures of the Mahāyāna school of Buddhism. Amitābha is the principal buddha in the Pure Land sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East Asia, while in Vajrayana Amitābha is known for his longevity attribute and the aggregate of distinguishing (recognition) and the deep awareness of individualities. According to these scriptures, Amitābha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmakāra. “Amitābha” is translatable as “Infinite Light,” hence Amitābha is often called “The Buddha of Infinite Light.”


For these upcoming two ceremonies, YST temple has colorful lotus flower, ingots, heaven lights, peach and dharma ships all made of paper to offer to the buddhas and the deceased.

With all the sincerity of the participants, all registered beings will be blessed and empowered by Yellow Jambala and Amitabha Buddha.

1. The deceased will be invited to sit on the Dharma Ship and the Amitabha Buddha will guide them to the Western Paradise or reincarnation to better environment

2. By paying respect to the deceased, the descendants will be blessed to have a peaceful lives and better career, etc.

3. By registering one’s creditors in the past lives, they will be pacified as much as possible. Without the negative interference from the creditors, prosperity will be gained.

4. By registering one’s offsprings, they will also be blessed by the Buddhas

Members can register as Merit holders as sponsors to the ceremonies

Supreme merit holders will have their name written on Bardo card in the main altar. This is to receive special blessing from the buddhas and bodhisattvas.

Living Merit holders : receive great empowerment, relieve from sufferings, have good fortune and healthy life

Deceased Merit holders : remove black karma, improve living environment, attain higher spiritual level and reborn in Western Paradise

Please come to the temple one hour before the ceremony, so that you can fill in forms and merit bags, etc.

Venue : YSTTBO 645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

Date : 10/12/11 Sat (Yellow Jambala Ceremony) and 11/12/11 Sun (Amitabha Buddha Ceremony)

Time : 1:30pm (Registration is welcomed from today)

Tel : (02) 8065 6046

Fax : (02) 9558 7035

website : www.tbssydney.org

email : admin@tbssydney.org

继续阅读12月10日、11日黃財神息災、祈福大法會 暨 阿彌陀佛息災、祈福、超度大法會December Ceremonies hosted by Master Lian Lai