
请大家踊跃参加一年一度的中秋节晚会Mooncake Party


首次举办中秋节晚宴 Date : 11/9/2011 Sun 6pm

Venue : The Grove Orange Hotel, 311 Balmain Road, Lilyfield 2040

Lucky draw : 3 prizes (tableware used by Grand Master Lu)

Dinner prepared by a veteran disciple

Contact : Mrs. Yu

Fee : $20 (adult) , $8.5 (child)

Dinner includes : mooncake, softdrinks, snacks, main meal, desert

Performance : singing, story telling 继续阅读请大家踊跃参加一年一度的中秋节晚会Mooncake Party


 【蓮花姿伶/澳洲雪梨訊】嚴山雷藏寺慶祝蓮華生大士聖誕及迎接中元節,於二〇一一年八月六日、七日的下午分別舉行蓮華生大士息災祈福超度水供大法會以及地藏救度密法超度法會。由釋蓮旺金剛上師主壇,來自墨爾本的蓮桐法師及蓮銨、蓮定、蓮身法師團帶領唱頌,以及過百位同門善信大德護持,在根本上師的加持及佛光的照注下全程吉祥圓滿、莊嚴而隆重。 继续阅读蓮華生大士息災祈福超度水供大法會暨地藏救度密法超度法會

四加行研習班及讀書會Four Preliminary Practices & Reading Forum


Since Grand Master Lu (Living Buddha Lian-sheng)’s last visit to personally bless the Australia Kalachakra Blessing Ceremony on  17 October 2010 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, we are delighted to announce that many people took refuge to Grand Master Lu during the ceremony. 

In Tantrayana Buddhism, anyone who wishes to engage in any dharma practice must first take refuge in True Buddha School and receive empowerment from the Root Guru (Living Buddha Lian-sheng). In view of this, Yen Shan Lei Zang Temple is organizing the basic dharma practice classes to the beginners. It is highly recommended that all beginners must make an effort to join the dharma class to learn the exact pronunciations of the mantra, perform basic mudra, visualization method and meditation. The dharma class will be conducted in bilingual i.e. Mandarin and English by Reverends. All beginners will get a free copy of the complete learning of the Four Preliminary Practice as well as CDs etc. The class will be based on first come first serve basis. The dharma class is opened to both beginners and elementary students. However, priority will be given to the beginners.  

Besides, there will be a Reading Workshop Forum for all students to have an opportunity to discuss or express their favourites topic of Grand Master Lu’s book and their views on each topic. Grand Master Lu said in his book that if you wish to understand his thoughts and teachings, you must read his book and will obtain his blessing once you read his book! Therefore, we encourage you to attend the workshop. 

Please reserve your seat to Reverend on  02 80656046. Thank you for your support.


(Note: Freebies will be given to the beginners only)


Date Time Activities Lead by


(Every Sunday)



2pm Reading Workshop Forum Reverend Lian An/Reverend Lian Wu/Kwee-Tin Yeoh



3pm Four Preliminary Practices Reverend Lian An (Mandarin)

18/3/2011 (Friday)


7:30pm Four Preliminary Practices Reverend Lian An (English)

继续阅读四加行研習班及讀書會Four Preliminary Practices & Reading Forum