[:zh]嚴山雷藏寺 8月法務時間表,歡迎同們及善信大德參加[:en]True Buddha School – Yen Shang Temple August activities [:]


2018-08-12 星期日 11:30am 同修 蓮桐法師帶領
1:45pm 誦唸第一遍地藏經迴向自身之纏身靈.冤親債主
2018-08-19 星期日 11:30am 同修 蓮桐法師帶領
1:45pm 誦唸第二遍地藏經迴向自身之纏身靈.冤親債主
2018-08-24 星期五 7:30pm 誦唸第三遍地藏經迴向自身之纏身靈.冤親債主 蓮鳴上師,蓮熅上師帶頜
2018-08-25 星期六 1:30pm 阿彌陀佛息災祈福增益敬愛治病超度護摩法會 主壇: 蓮熅上師
     – 恭請蓮熅上師法語開示 護壇: 蓮鳴上師
2018-08-26 星期日 1:30pm 地藏王菩薩瑜珈焰口祈福超度法會 主壇: 蓮鳴上師
     – 恭請蓮鳴上師法語開示 護壇: 蓮熅上師
(以上所有活動可能改動,請在活動舉行前致電本寺02-8021 8411  可向蓮桐法師確實)
六天開放- 10am – 6pm  (逢 星期三休息)
*每週同修《四加行》或《蓮花童子相應法》時間:周六晚 – 7:30pm-8:30pm
*每月農曆十八日  晚上 7:30pm  拜《真彿寶懺》
*每月農曆初一,十五日 11am 佛前大供。


2018-08-12 SUNDAY 11:30am Group Cultivation Reverend Lian Tong
1:45PM Group recitation on Ksitigharba sutra, dedicating towards Own spirtitual creditors and attached spirits Reverend Lian Tong
2018-08-19 SUNDAY 11:30am Group Cultivation Reverend Lian Tong
1:45PM Group recitation of Ksitigharba sutra, dedicating towards Own spirtitual creditors and attached spirits
2018-08-24 FRIDAY 7:30PM Group recitation of Ksitigharba sutra, dedicating towards Own spirtitual creditors and attached spirits Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Yun
2018-08-25 SATURDAY 1:30PM Amitabha Buddha, Disaster erradication, Blessing, Enrichment, Enthrallment, Illness removal, Bardo deliverance Fire. Puja Dharma ceremony. Inviting Dharma Master Lián Yùn to expound on Buddhadharma. Led by Master Lian Yun ;
Assisted by Master Lian Ming
2018-08-26 SUNDAY 1:30PM Ksitigharba Bodhisattva Bardo Deliverance Yoga for liberating Flaming Mouth Spirits. Inviting Dharma Master Lian Ming to expound on Buddhadharma. Led by Master Lian Ming
Assisted by Master Lian Yun
