嚴山雷藏寺一月蓮花童子息災、祈福、超度護摩法會Padmakumara Blessing and Bardo Ceremony








第一,       可以讓已經往生的親人的靈籍此法船,由佛菩薩超度而離苦得樂,早日投胎,脫離幽冥世界之苦,或功德圓滿地轉赴西方極樂世界修行。

第二,       對先人的一片孝心, 可以庇佑陽間的子孫後代平平安安,事業順利

第三,       超度法船還能化解現世的冤親債主的怨仇,轉惡緣為善緣,減輕累世冤親債主的磁場干擾,讓自己的運勢發達,前途順利。

第四,       可以籍此方便法門與佛菩薩結善緣, 增加福報。四大功德力將福蔭祖先,自己,和子孫後代。 歡迎大家踴躍為自己往生的祖先,親人,朋友,以及冤親債主報名,讓他們的靈魂在佛菩薩的佛光接引下, 都能升入西方極樂世界淨土。


地址 : 645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

電話 : (02)80656046                                 傳真 : (02)95587035

電郵:admin@tbssydney.org                  網站: www.tbssydney.org


Yen Shan Tang True Buddha Order

Invited Master Lian Zhi from Canada to lead the following activities

11/1 Sat Padmakumara Blessing and Bardo Ceremony 1pm


Apart from normal registering (voluntary offering), you can also register as :

  1. Big merit holder ($1000) – you will have
    1. a “Dharma Ship” with “Bardo Card”
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. an opportunity to offer hada to the hosting Master
    4. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  2. Merit holder ($500) – you will have
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 2 bags of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money
    3. a long praying (mala) beads – 108 beads
  3. Small merit holder ($100) – you will have
    1. Bardo Card
    2. 1 bag of Merits containing a big lotus and a stack of golden paper money


Please allow yourself some time before the ceremonies for registration purpose


Other ceremonies  (subject to change and addition) :

24 Jan (Fri) 7:30pm Thanksgiving for outgoing Planet God (Taisui) and welcoming for incoming Planet God  
30 Jan (Thu)

New Year Eve

10pm Chant True Buddha Sutra

11pm Welcoming New Year Day

31 Jan (Fri)

New Year Day

11am Grand offering to Buddha, then True Buddha Repentance Practice True Buddha



You can find Grand Master Lu’s English books from Leung Wai Kee in Chinatown address:764-766 George St, Sydney


Our Address : 645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

Email : admin@tbssydney.org          Website : www.tbssydney.org

Tel : (02)80656046                  Fax : (02)95587035