坐犯 太歲 | 正沖 太歲 | 偏沖 太歲 | 偏沖 太歲 | |
鼠年 | 屬 鼠 | 屬 馬 | 屬 兔 | 屬 雞 |
牛年 | 屬 牛 | 屬 羊 | 屬 龍 | 屬 狗 |
虎年 | 屬 虎 | 屬 猴 | 屬 蛇 | 屬 豬 |
兔年 | 屬 兔 | 屬 雞 | 屬 馬 | 屬 鼠 |
龍年 | 屬 龍 | 屬 狗 | 屬 羊 | 屬 牛 |
蛇年 | 屬 蛇 | 屬 豬 | 屬 猴 | 屬 虎 |
馬年 | 屬 馬 | 屬 鼠 | 屬 雞 | 屬 兔 |
羊年 | 屬 羊 | 屬 牛 | 屬 狗 | 屬 龍 |
猴年 | 屬 猴 | 屬 虎 | 屬 豬 | 屬 蛇 |
雞年 | 屬 雞 | 屬 兔 | 屬 鼠 | 屬 馬 |
狗年 | 屬 狗 | 屬 龍 | 屬 牛 | 屬 羊 |
豬年 | 屬 豬 | 屬 蛇 | 屬 虎 | 屬 猴 |
(1) 照世如燈, (2) 隨所生處肉眼不壞, (3) 得天眼, (4) 得善智慧, (5) 除滅大黑暗, (6) 得智慧的光明, (7) 於世間常不在暗處, (8) 具大福報, (9) 命終生天, (10) 速得成佛.
支票抬頭:YSTTBO – Management A/C (請註明贊助項目)
Bank transfer:
YSTTBO – Management A/C
BSB = 112-879
Account number = 437 801 353
聯絡地址:645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044, Australia
TEL: 02 80218411
The Ritual of Annual Planet Guardian Installation
(What it is and how it works)
At the beginning of every Chinese lunar year, as the new animal sign replaces the old one, there is also the “changing of guards” from one Annual Planet Guardian to another. The Annual Planet Guardian is the chief planet god who oversees men’s fortunes during that particular year.
2022 (Ren Yin) Tai Sui, Blessing Light and Longevity Registration
2022 ( Ren Yin ) Tai Sui for Year of Tiger
Clashing signs: Tiger and Monkey
Conflicting signs: Snake and Pig
People registering for the ritual must send in their names and addresses to the temple. The amount of offering is up to each individual. A date will be selected by the venerable at the temple for the ritual of installation. After installation, one should make frequent visits to the shrine of the Annual Planet Guardian to make offerings (such as flowers, incense, etc) and to pray for protection. During the prayers, visualize the talisman of the Annual Planet Guardian emitting a beam of red light to completely enshroud one. This is followed by bowing three times.
During the above praying, one can visualize one’s family members there bowing and receiving the showering of protective red light.
Cheque please pay to: YSTTBO – Management A/C
Contact: lian Tong Fashi
Address: 645 Princes HightWay , Tempe NSW 2044 , Australia
TEL: 02 80218411
Email: tbosydney1@optusnet.com.au