蓮祈上師主持白事誦經:給已故鄭堂主Master Lian Qi hosting Service for YST Deceased past Chairman Cheng

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of formal Chairman Cheng. We will have service for him from 2pm to about 3pm this Saturday. Especially for members who know Chairman Cheng, you are welcome to join the chanting service. But please contact us if you want to join, so that we can better organize this event.

This event will be led by Master Lian Qi

For those who cannot come on Saturday, you can chant sutra and/or mantra at home and dedicating the merits to Chairman Cheng

在這重陽時節,本寺宣佈以前嚴山堂的鄭堂主(鄭明健先生)已經撒手塵 寰。我們在本星期六下午二時開始將會為他舉行一個小時的白事誦經活動,歡迎尤其是認識鄭堂主的同門參加。若決定參加,歡迎聯絡本寺,以利安排。

