嚴山雷藏寺 YSTTBO ”新年活動” Chinese New Year Activities嚴山雷藏寺 YSTTBO ”新年活動” Chinese New Year Activities

1. CNY markets(舊曆年巿集) in Belmore Park

Market times (巿集開放時間)

Fri 20 January: 4 – 11pm (星期五 20/1 下午四時至十一時)

Sat 21 & Sun 22 January: 11am – 10pm (星期六及日 21,22/1 上午十一時至晚上十時)


2. CNY Good luck temple tour (農曆新年行好運活動﹣嚴山雷藏寺之旅)


23Jan(Mon) to 5Feb(Sun) 23/1(星期一)至 5/2(星期日)

11am to 5pm 上午十一時至下午五時

Yen Shan Temple (嚴山雷藏寺)

645 Princes Highway, Tempe, NSW 2044

Free (免費)

website : tbssydney.org

email : admin@tbssydney.org

3. 22/1 New Year Eve 年廿九除夕,

10pm chant 「True Buddha Sutra」恭誦「真實佛法息災賜福經」,

11pm praying for the first time in New Year 上頭柱香祈願

4. 23/1 New Year date 大年初一,

11am Great Offering to Buddhas and do「True Buddha Repentance Practice」


5. 30/1 大年初八

11pm Celebrate birthday of Jade Emperor 慶祝玉皇大帝聖誕(拜天公)