
持尊勝咒活動及報父母恩咒 Chanting USNISA VIJAYA Mantra and “remunerate parents” Mantra

We will chant USNISA VIJAYA Mantra from 1:30pm to 2:30pm (This is a powerful mantra to remove black karma. All merits will be dedicated to all beings to be registered in August’s ceremony)

Time : Sun 26/8 1:30pm 至 2:30pm at the temple

We will also chant “remunerate parents” Mantra 108 times in cultivation sessions during Lunar month of July

Time : 25/8 (7:30pm), 26/8 (11am), 8/9 (7:30pm), 9/9 (11am), 15/9 (7:30pm) 继续阅读持尊勝咒活動及報父母恩咒 Chanting USNISA VIJAYA Mantra and “remunerate parents” Mantra