[:zh]嚴山雷藏寺2016 十月,十一月法務時間表,歡迎同們參加[:en]Welcome to join our dharma activities from October to December 2016[:]


2016-10-09 星期日 11:30am 摩利支天菩薩聖誕 – 加唸摩利支天經 蓮身法師帶領
2016-10-16 星期日 11:30am 預祝觀世音菩薩出家日- 拜大悲寶忏 蓮身法師,蓮由法師
2016-10-30 星期日 11:00am 佛前大供 蓮身法師帶領
11:45am 慶祝藥師佛正誕 – 同修藥師佛聖誕儀軌
2016-11-15 星期二 7:30pm 禮三千佛洪名寶懺法會 – 400 拜 蓮鳴上師,蓮熅上師
2016-11-16 星期三 7:30pm                          – 400 拜
2016-11-17 星期四 7:30pm                          – 500 拜
2016-11-18 星期五 7:30pm                          – 500 拜
2016-11-19 星期六 10am,1pm.3pm         每段 400 拜 ; 全日共 1200 拜
2016-11-20 星期日 1:30pm 地藏王菩薩瑜珈焰口祈福超度大法會 蓮鳴上師,蓮熅上師
六天開放- 10am – 6pm   (星期三休息)
*每週同修《四加行》或《蓮花童子相應法》時間:周六晚一 7:30pm-8:30pm
                                                                                              星期日 11am-12:30pm (同修後午膳供應)
*每月農曆初一,十五日 11am 佛前大供。
*每月農曆十八日  晚上 7:30pm  拜《真彿寶懺》


Date Time Dharma Activities
2016-10-30 11:00am


Sunday Altar shrine Main Offering
Celebration of Medicine Buddha’s birthday – group cultivation ; lead by Reverend Lian Tong
2016-11-15 7:30pm Tuesday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the 3000 Buddhas repentance Ceremony – 400 prostration
2016-11-16 7:30pm Wednesday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the 3000 Buddhas repentance Ceremony – 400 prostration
2016-11-17 7:30pm Thursday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the 3000 Buddhas repentance Ceremony – 500 prostration
2016-11-18 7:30pm Friday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the 3000 Buddhas repentance Ceremony – 500 prostration
2016-11-19 10am, 1pm, 3pm Saturday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the 3000 Buddhas repentance Ceremony – 400 prostration each session; Altogether 1200 times
2016-11-20 1:00pm Sunday Master Lian Ming and Master Lian Wen – Leading the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Bardo Deliverance Yoga Blessing Ceremony
